Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 Flagship processor with AIE 845. POCOPHONE F1 runs on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 mobile platform, meaning you get Snapdragon's powerful AI engine on their most advanced flagship 10nm class chip. Enjoy unbeatable performance and lower power consumption. LiquidCool Technology Sustained peak performance. Keep the CPU of POCOPHONE F1 fast and cool with our LiquidCool Technology, usually reserved for hardcore gaming smartphones.No matter how intensely you're gaming, the cooled Snapdragon 845 has no problem keeping up its peak performance andhigh frequency output. Say goodbye to slow response time and frozen screens, this phone stays faster than fast. AI Dual camera with dual pixel autofocus.Instant autofocus even in dark environments. The 12MP + 5MP AI dual camera features dual pixel autofocus and a large 1.4μm pixel sensor in the primary lens, enhancing photo brightness, clarity and quality while drastically improving autofocus speed, especially while in motion or in low-light conditions. 20MP high-res front camera.Capture incredible selfies. Flagship grade 20MP high-res sensor coupled with 2μm large pixel (4-in-1 Super Pixel) technology gives you gorgeous selfies. AI Beautify 4.0 and precise bokeh effect deliver studio quality shots. A better Full Screen Display. System-level full screen gestures allow for an intuitive experience on the 18.7:9 edge to edge display. The internationally renowned Corning Gorilla Glass is highly resistant to wear and tear, so POCOPHONE F1 is built to last.
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